Saturday, September 23, 2017

Born Free.. 💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹.Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies.

School Bans ‘The Lord’s Prayer’, So Students Interrupt Ceremony And Sing It Anyway - USA NEWS

Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Disney had always been magical to me! angels,fairies, and mermaids.. Back in time, birds and bees, singing songs in the dogwood trees.Could one friend please copy and repost? We are trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening.💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚800-273-8255#SuicideAwareness.
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹..Just one person!
Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun .....
Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor and nature
Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun .....
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹Blonde Redhead Charts Following 'Rick and Morty' Sync

Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Disney had always been magical to me! angels,fairies, and mermaids..
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹Back in time, birds and bees, singing songs in the dogwood trees.Could one friend please copy and repost? Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun .....
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹Born Free...Taxed to Death.
Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun ....

We are trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening.💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚800-273-8255#SuicideAwareness...Just one person!  Loraine Kilgore
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹·  Could one friend please copy and repost? We are trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 800-273-8255 #SuicideAwareness Just one person!Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun .....


Loraine Kilgore  ·
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹 Could one friend please copy and repost? We are trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 800-273-8255 #SuicideAwareness Just one person!Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun ....

Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies.  ⛱⛱⛱⛱.Rites ...
Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. .High Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Actions, Schools Of Hard Knocks, Swinging In The Winds, Bailey Bugs, Battles Of Whites, Rites, Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Peace, Happiness, Glory Dazes In The Sun. Spice Girls : Dancing Dolls: Mothers happy to tell stories from books, movies, and songs to share with the classes of kids. Wonderful tales, Mother Goose stories to tell. Gifts over the ages, during your childhood, your mother's and your family for sure. More reasons, more seasons, more cycles of kids to share the joys and pleasures. 💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹 MAGIC! - Mama Didn't Raise No Fool (Audio)..Spice Girls : Dancing Dolls: Mothers happy to tell stories from books, movies, and songs to share with the classes of kids. Wonderful tales, Mother Goose stories to tell. Gifts over the ages, during your childhood, your mother's and your family for sure. More reasons, more seasons, more cycles of kids to share the joys and pleasures. ..Just one day out of life, wanted to stop and say, what a great day to be alive. Windows and doors open to a better day, plans and goals in place, joys and pains to learn alone the paths choose, mountains to climb every day. Life is an adventure, and life is a dream in motions, time to work on dreams in action. Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun .....

Born Free.
💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜💚🌹..Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. MAGIC! - Mama Didn't Raise No Fool. You capture my imagination.High Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Actions, Schools Of Hard Knocks, Swinging In The Winds, Bailey Bugs, Battles Of Whites, Rites, Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Peace, Happiness, Glory Dazes In The Sun. Spice Girls : Dancing Dolls: Mothers happy to tell stories from books, movies, and songs to share with the classes of kids. Wonderful tales, Mother Goose stories to tell. Gifts over the ages, during your childhood, your mother's and your family for sure. More reasons, more seasons, more cycles of kids to share the joys and pleasures. Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. Fun in the sun .....
Born Free...Taxed to Death. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons daily events, pages to turn, books to recap. I love writing about princesses and mermaids and fairies. 


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